Soal Latihan Penilaian Tengah Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5
Untuk mendalami materi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD/MI sebagai persiapan Penialaian Tengah Semester 1 (PTS) dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan mengerjakan soal-soal latihan PTS semester ganjil kelas 5 SD/MI sesuai dengan kisi-kisi yang telah ditetapkan.
Kali ini SekolahDasar.Net akan membagikan soal latihan soal UTS atau PTS semester ganjil untuk kelas 5 SD/MI mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang belum dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD/MI semester 1 terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda, isian singkat, dan uraian.
Latihan Soal Ulangan Tengah Semester 1 Kelas 5 Mapel Bahasa Inggris
A. Cross (x) the correct answer !
1. The babies like to drink ………..
A. Ice tea
B. Milk
C. Coffee
D. tea
2. Tomato, eggplant and carrot are the name of …………
A. Fruits
B. vegetables
C. Food
D. Drink
3. The costumer ............. some food and drinks to the waitres.
A. Ask
B. Serve
C. Wacth
D. Order
4. My father eats a plate of ……….. in the living room
A. Fried noodle
B. Soft drink
C. Lemonade
D. Coffee
5. A …………., handles customers to pay after having meals in the restaurant.
A. Waitres
B. Customers
C. Cashier
D. Person
6. It is water transportation. It can bring many passangers. It is a …………..
A. Scooter
B. Train
C. Ship
D. Bus
7. Plane, helicopter are the name of ………….transportation.
A. Water
B. Submarine
C. Land
D. Air
8. A horse usually pulls a ……….
A. Pedicap
B. Carriage
C. Bicycle
D. Car
9. Vehicle which has two whells and has engine is ………..
A. Pedicap
B. Cart
C. Motorcycle
D. Bicycle
10. How do you go to Surabaya ? I go there by ………….
A. Ship
B. Car
C. Motorcycle
D. Bus
11. I always …………… after having lunch , because I am sleepy.
A. Get up
B. Take a nap
C. Take a break
D. Go home
12. How many times do you usually brush your teeth everyday?
A. once
B. twice
C. Three times
D. Never
13. Does your father drink coffee every morning??
A. Yes, she does
B. No, she does not
C. Yes, he does
D. No,he do not
14. It is five o’clock in the morning. It is time to ……………
A. Get up
B. Take a nap
C. Take a break
D. Go home
15. The yard is dirty. …………..the yard Deni, please !
A. Sweep
B. Sweeps
C. Wash
D. Washes
B. Fill the blank with the correct answer !!!
16. Does a waiter work in the restaurant ? yes, …………
17. Coffee and tea are the name of ……….
18. To make an omelet we need an ………….
19. We can see …………… in the airport.
20. A …………. is a long vehicle.
21. Car, bicycle are the name of …………..transportation.
22. It is a land transportation. It has three wheels. It doesn’t have engine. It is a ……….
23. I always …………up at five o’clock in the morning.
24. I ………….a bath at six o’clock.
25. The flowers are withered. Let’s …………the flowers.
C. Answer these questions below!
26. Mention 3 kinds of drink !
27. Mention 3 persons who work in the restaurant!
28. Mention 3 vehicles that don’t have engine!
29. Translate into Indonesian!
My father always drinks coffee in the morning everyday.
30. (+) Raka plays kite everyday.
( -) …………………………………
( ?) …………………………………
Nilai Ulangan Harian (UH), Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) atau PTS, dan nilai UAS atau PAS akan diolah menjadi nilai akhir semester atau nilai rapor. Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal, dapat mempelajari atau mengerjakan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris semester 1 kelas 5 SD/MI di atas.